IT maintains an installer for Windows to ease the installation process.
#How to install octave on mac software#
It is free and open-source software and can be installed on any computer. Please provide a detailed description of what you've tried and what the results were.GNU Octave is a numerical computing package used in the Physics and MSCS departments at St. If the PATH does include /usr/local/bin, help may be requested by posting to Octave's email list.Add the line below to the contents of ~/.bashrc.If the PATH does not include /usr/local/bin, type the commands below.

If Octave did not run (or if octave is running but the sombrero() command doesn't appear to do anything), check to ensure that your PATH includes /usr/local/bin.

For purpose of this discussion - this is assumed to be /Applications. Move the 'gnuplot' icon to your Applications folder. bash_profile in your home directory (note the period at the beginning of the file name) and adding the line "export GNUTERM=x11" (without the quotes). Aquaterm is the default, but you can change the default to X11 by creating a file called. On the other hand, if your data set is too large or complicated to be easily visible, you may prefer to use X11, which allows you to zoom in and out of regions, set crosshairs at points, and other more advanced features. If your entire data set is easily visible and you do not need to zoom in, you may prefer the pleasant anti-aliasing features of Quartz and Aquaterm. The Gnuplot package includes and relies on Aquaterm for displaying plots using Apple's Quartz graphics layer. On this disk is the OS X binary for Gnuplot. Double-click this dmg to mount the gnuplot disk image. Look in the 'Extras' folder and find the gnuplot-4.4.3-aqua-i386.dmg disc image. Or you could try using MacPorts to install Gnuplot. Instead you could install a Gnuplot binary from. NOTE: The following instructions are for the Gnuplot in the 'Extras' folder, which DOES NOT WORK, due to some library version issues. It is recommended that Gnuplot is installed prior to Octave. Once it has been downloaded, double-click on the dmg to mount the disk image. The latest MacOS X binary (DMG) available is for Octave-3.4.0. See the bottom of this mailing list discussion. There is an experimental dmg for Octave 4.0.0. 4 Running Octave and Gnuplot from a Terminal.